Mentors Plus

Oakland County Youth Assistance needs you to volunteer and help a child in your local area.

Have a little extra time?

Make a difference in a life.

Be a positive adult role model for a 5-16 year old youngster.

Never heard of Mentors Plus? That’s because the name is new.  People Listening, Understanding and Sharing (PLUS) is a program which matches a young person with a trained adult voluneer for the purpose of companionship and role modeling. This mentoring program, sponsored by Oakland County Youth Assistance
(a part of the Oakland County courts), has been matching caring adults with young people who need them since 1973. Thousands of matches have been made, many of which have grown into lasting friendships. You can choose the sort of involvement that seems right for your prevention, working with an at-risk youngster, or intervention, helping to guide a young person with minor court involvement back onto the right track.

To learn more about becoming a mentor, please contact the following:

Julie Stitt – (248) 858-0041
[email protected]

Oakland County Youth Assistance

Probate Court/Circuit Court – Family Division

1200 North Telegraph Road – Bldg. 14 East

Pontiac, MI  48341-0452