Who funds OCG: Farmington/ Farmington Hills area Community! We have a very generous community and they love FPS! There are many partners from local organizations, religious groups (churches), and businesses providing ongoing support. OCG receives NO district or state funding. All of the resources used to support student needs are from student fundraising and amazing community support. The organization is managed by the FPS Community Support Services Department while supported by FYA it is powered by student volunteers and ideas.
OCG exists to ensure that ALL children in FPS receive similar experiences this means access to field trips, enrichments and special events. While OCG can’t fund everything it can often help bridge the gaps that exist. OCG is a JUDGEMENT free organization. Support is given without bias as needs arise.
Become an OCG Partner Today!
To DONATE send your check made out to Operation Common Good to the Maxfield Education Center 32789 W 10 Mile Rd, Farmington, MI 48336
To receive OCG support for an FPS student please fill out an Operation Common Good Support Application by clicking the link below or contact [email protected]
Operation Common Good Support Application