Holiday Angels Make The Holidays Special For Farmington Area Youth
/in Holiday Angels /by Sunday TaylorIt is that time of the year again when Farmington Youth Assistance is asking the community for assistance through its Holiday Angels program. This Holiday season, we are supporting struggling families in the community by providing them a shopping experience with your donations. We are assisting families with children 13 and older, who aren’t serviced by other agencies. Please consider donating unwrapped gift items, gift cards and personal/household items. Cash donations are also welcome and we will do the shopping for you. You can donate through Amazon wishlist or make a monetary donation through PayPal. As always, we appreciate your support and donations to make the holiday season little brighter in our community!
Gift items for Girls Ages 13-17
Hair accessories
Socks, gloves, hats, mittens, scarves
Bath soaps and lotions
Makeup, lip-gloss, nail polishes
Gift items for Boys Ages 13-17
Hex bug
Socks, gloves, hats, mittens, scarves
Bath stuff
Remote control items/toys
Sports balls
Video games / Movies
Gift Items for everyone
Board Games
Earbuds/ headphones
Journals/ Sketchpads
Color Pencils/Gel pens/ Stationeries
Personal /Household Items
Toilet Tissue
Paper Towels
Laundry Detergent
Cleaning Supplies
Feminine Hygiene Products
Soap/ Shampoo
Donation suggestions Gift cards: Increments of $25
Target, Old Navy, TJ Max, Payless, JC Penny, Sears, Kohl’s, Dunham’s, Game Stop, Barnes & Noble,
iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Kroger, Fresh Thyme, Aldi,
Farmington Youth Assistance
32789 W Ten Mile Road, Suite 10-B
Farmington, MI 48336
Ph: (248) 489-3434 Fax: (248)489-3432
Please drop off unwrapped gifts, gift cards and/or cash donations to FYA office by
Tuesday, December 13th, anytime between 9 am-3pm.
To inquire about becoming a Holiday Angel call: 248-489-3434 or email: [email protected]
Or, feel free to use our PayPal to make a donation!
To Download Holiday Angel Application to be considered for assistance: click here
Another great way to support Farmington Youth Assistance through your purchases -Shop at Amazon Smile through the link below! Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible Amazon Smile purchases to us at no cost to you!
Trunk or Treat 2019
/in Holiday Angels, Uncategorized /by Veena HebbarFarmington Youth Assistance and Lanigan hosted the Trunk or Treat event on October 20. Wonderful weather and great publicity helped draw a record breaking turnout. Thanks to all that participated and donated supplies candy and decorations.

Holiday Angels 2019
/in Holiday Angels /by Veena HebbarIt is the time of the year again when Farmington Youth Assistance is asking the community for assistance through its Holiday Angels program. This Holiday season, we are supporting struggling families in the community by providing them a shopping experience with your donations. We are assisting families with children 13 and older, who aren’t serviced by other agencies. Please consider donating unwrapped gift items, gift cards and personal/household items. Cash donations are also welcome and we will do the shopping for you. Monetary donation can be made through PayPal by clicking “Donate” at the bottom of the page.
As always, we appreciate your support and donations to make the holiday season little brighter in our community!
Donation suggestions
Gift cards: Increments of $25
Target, Old Navy, TJ Max, Payless, JC Penny, Sears, Kohl’s, Dunham’s, Game Stop, Barnes & Noble, iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Kroger, Fresh Thyme, Aldi
Gift items for Girls Ages 13-17
Hair accessories
Socks, gloves, hats, mittens, scarves
Bath soaps and lotions
Makeup, lip-glosses, nail polishes
Gift items for Boys Ages 13-17
Hex bug
Socks, gloves, hats, mittens, scarves
Bath stuff
Remote control items/toys
Sports balls
Video games / Movies
Gift Items for everyone
Board Games
Ear buds/ head phones
Journals/ Sketch pads
Color Pencils/Gel pens/ Stationeries
Personal /Household Items
Toilet Tissue
Paper Towels
Laundry Detergent
Cleaning Supplies
Feminine Hygiene Products
Soap/ Shampoo
To inquire about becoming a Holiday Angel call: 248-489-3434 or email: [email protected]
Or feel free to use our PayPal to make a donation!
Farmington Youth Assistance
To Download Holiday Angel Application to be considered for assistance: click here
Another great way to support Farmington Youth Assistance through your purchases -Shop at Amazon Smile through the link below! Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible Amazon Smile purchases to us at no cost to you!
Farmington Youth Assistance
Farmington Youth Assistance is a 501c3 non-profit organization that provides confidential, short-term counseling/casework and referral services for students under the age of 17 who reside in the Farmington Public School District.
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Contact Us
32789 W 10 Mile, Suite 10-B,
Farmington MI 48336.
Phone: 248-489-3434
Fax: 248-489-3432
Email: [email protected]
Office Hours: Mon-Thurs (9:00-3:00) or by appointment.